Class Display

D class that acts as a proxy for a display from a display index

class Display ;


sdlDisplayIndex const(uint)Display index from SDL


bounds[get] RectWraps SDL_GetDisplayBounds which gets the display's bounding rectangle
currentDisplayMode[get] DisplayModeWraps SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode which gets the current display mode for the display
desktopDisplayMode[get] DisplayModeWraps SDL_GetDesktopDisplayMode which gets the desktop display mode of the display
displayDPI[get] std.typecons.Tuple!(float,"ddpi",float,"hdpi",float,"vdpi")Wraps SDL_GetDisplayDPI (from SDL 2.0.4) which gets the display's DPI information
displayModes[get] DisplayMode[]Wraps SDL_GetNumDisplayModes and SDL_GetDisplayMode which get return a list of the available display modes of the display
height[get] uintGets the height of the display in pixels
name[get] stringWraps SDL_GetDisplayName which gets the display's name
orientation[get] DisplayOrientationWraps SDL_GetDisplayOrientation (from SDL 2.0.9) which gets the display's orientation
width[get] uintGets the width of the display Wraps in pixels


getClosestDisplayMode (desiredMode) Wraps SDL_GetClosestDisplayMode which gets the closest display mode of the display to the desired mode
opEquals (rhs) Equality operator overload
toHash () Gets the hash of the dsdl.Display
toString () Formats the dsdl.Display showing its internal information: "dsdl.PixelFormat(<sdlDisplayIndex>)"