Name | Type | Description |
allowsHighDPI [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowFlags to check whether the window allows high DPI (from SDL 2.0.1)
alwaysOnTop [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowFlags to check whether the window is always on top (from SDL 2.0.5)
bordered [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowFlags to check whether the borders of the window are visible
bordered [set]
bool | Wraps SDL_SetWindowBordered which sets whether the borders' visibility
borderless [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowFlags to check whether the borders of the window are non-existent
brightness [get]
float | Wraps SDL_GetWindowBrightness which gets the window's brightness value
brightness [set]
float | Wraps SDL_SetWindowBrightness which sets the window's brightness value
display [get]
const(Display) | Wraps SDL_GetWindowDisplayIndex which gets the display where the center of the window is located
displayMode [get]
DisplayMode | Wraps SDL_GetWindowDisplayMode which gets the window's display mode attributes
displayMode [set]
DisplayMode | Wraps SDL_SetWindowDisplayMode which sets new display mode attributes to the window
drawableGLHeight [get]
uint | Wraps SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize (from SDL 2.0.1) which gets the drawable width of the window in OpenGL
in pixels
drawableGLSize [get]
uint[2] | Wraps SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize (from SDL 2.0.1) which gets the drawable size of the window in OpenGL
in pixels
drawableGLWidth [get]
uint | Wraps SDL_GL_GetDrawableSize (from SDL 2.0.1) which gets the drawable height of the window in OpenGL
in pixels
foreign [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowFlags to check whether the window is foreign
fullscreen [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowFlags to check whether the window is in real fullscreen
fullscreen [set]
bool | Wraps SDL_SetWindowFullscreen which sets the fullscreen mode of the window
fullscreenDesktop [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowFlags to check whether the window is in desktop fullscreen
hasShownScreenKeyboard [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_IsScreenKeyboardShown which checks whether the screen keyboard is shown on the window
hasSurface [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_HasWindowSurface (from SDL 2.28) which checks whether there is a surface associated with
the window
height [get]
uint | Wraps SDL_GetWindowSize which gets the height of the window in pixels
height [set]
uint | Wraps SDL_SetWindowSize which resizes the height of the window in pixels
hidden [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowFlags to check whether the window is hidden
iccProfile [get]
void[] | Wraps SDL_GetWindowICCProfile (from SDL 2.0.18) which gets the raw ICC profile data for the
screen the window is currently on
icon [set]
Surface | Wraps SDL_SetWindowIcon which sets a new icon to the window
id [get]
uint | Wraps SDL_GetWindowID which gets the internal window ID of the dsdl.Window
inputGrab [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowGrab which gets the window's input grab mode
inputGrab [set]
bool | Wraps SDL_SetWindowGrab which sets the window's input grab mode
keyboardFocused [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetKeyboardFocus which verifies whether keyboard input is focused to the window
keyboardGrab [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowKeyboardGrab (from SDL 2.0.16) which gets the status of the window grabbing
onto keyboard input
keyboardGrab [set]
bool | Wraps SDL_SetWindowKeyboardGrab (from SDL 2.0.16) which sets the status of the window grabbing
onto keyboard input
maximized [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowFlags to check whether the window is maximized
maximumSize [get]
uint[2] | Wraps SDL_GetWindowMaximumSize which gets the maximum size in pixels that the window can be
resized to
maximumSize [set]
uint[2] | Wraps SDL_SetWindowMaximumSize which sets the maximum size in pixels that the window can be
resized to
metal [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowFlags to check whether the window utilizes Metal (from SDL 2.0.6)
minimized [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowFlags to check whether the window is minimized
minimumSize [get]
uint[2] | Wraps SDL_GetWindowMinimumSize which gets the minimum size in pixels that the window can be
resized to
minimumSize [set]
uint[2] | Wraps SDL_SetWindowMinimumSize which sets the minimum size in pixels that the window can be
resized to
mouseFocused [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetMouseFocus which verifies whether mouse input is focused to the window
mouseGrab [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowMouseGrab (from SDL 2.0.16) which gets the status of the window grabbing
onto mouse input
mouseGrab [set]
bool | Wraps SDL_SetWindowMouseGrab (from SDL 2.0.16) which sets the status of the window grabbing
onto mouse input
mousePosition [get]
int[2] | Wraps SDL_GetMouseState which gets the mouse position in the window
mousePosition [set]
int[2] | Wraps SDL_WarpMouseInWindow which sets the mouse position in the window
mouseRect [get]
std.typecons.Nullable!(dsdl.rect.Rect) | Wraps SDL_GetWindowMouseRect (from SDL 2.0.18) which gets the window's mouse confinement rectangle
mouseRect [set]
Rect | Wraps SDL_SetWindowMouseRect (from SDL 2.0.18) which sets the window's mouse confinement rectangle
mouseRect [set]
typeof(null) | Acts as SDL_SetWindowMouseRect(window, NULL) (from SDL 2.0.18) which resets the window's mouse
confinement rectangle
mouseRect [set]
std.typecons.Nullable!(dsdl.rect.Rect) | Wraps SDL_SetWindowMouseRect (from SDL 2.0.18) which sets or resets the window's mouse
confinement rectangle
onTop [set]
bool | Wraps SDL_SetWindowAlwaysOnTop (from SDL 2.0.16) which sets the status of the window always
being on top above other windows
opacity [get]
float | Wraps SDL_GetWindowOpacity (from SDL 2.0.5) which gets the opacity of the window
opacity [set]
float | Wraps SDL_SetWindowOpacity (from SDL 2.0.5) which sets the opacity of the window
openGL [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowFlags to check whether the window utilizes OpenGL
pixelFormat [get]
const(PixelFormat) | Gets the dsdl.PixelFormat used for pixel data of the window
popupMenu [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowFlags to check whether the window is treated as a popup menu (from SDL 2.0.5)
position [get]
int[2] | Wraps SDL_GetWindowPosition which gets the top-left coordinate position of the window in
the desktop environment
position [set]
int[2] | Wraps SDL_SetWindowPosition which sets the position of the window in the desktop environment
renderer [get]
inout(Renderer) | Wraps SDL_GetRenderer which gets the renderer of the window
resizable [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowFlags to check whether the window's size is resizable by the user
resizable [set]
bool | Wraps SDL_SetWindowResizable (from SDL 2.0.5) which sets the window's resizability
shown [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowFlags to check whether the window is shown
size [get]
uint[2] | Wraps SDL_GetWindowSize which gets the size of the window in pixels
size [set]
uint[2] | Wraps SDL_SetWindowSize which resizes the size of the window in pixels
sizeInPixels [get]
uint[2] | Wraps SDL_GetWindowSizeInPixels (from SDL 2.26) which gets the actual size of the window in the
screen in pixels
skipsTaskbar [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowFlags to check whether the window is not on the taskbar (from SDL 2.0.5)
surface [get]
inout(Surface) | Wraps SDL_GetWindowSurface which gets the window's surface for software rendering
surface [set]
typeof(null) | Wraps SDL_DestroyWindowSurface (from SDL 2.28) which destructs the underlying associated surface
of the window
title [get]
string | Wraps SDL_GetWindowTitle which gets the shown title of the window
title [set]
string | Wraps SDL_SetWindowTitle which sets a new title to the window
tooltip [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowFlags to check whether the window is treated as a tooltip window (from SDL 2.0.5)
utility [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowFlags to check whether the window is treated as a utility window (from SDL 2.0.5)
vulkan [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_GetWindowFlags to check whether the window utilizes Vulkan (from SDL 2.0.6)
width [get]
uint | Wraps SDL_GetWindowSize which gets the width of the window in pixels
width [set]
uint | Wraps SDL_SetWindowSize which resizes the width of the window in pixels
x [get]
int | Wraps SDL_GetWindowPosition which gets the top-left X coordinate position of the window in
the desktop environment
x [set]
int | Wraps SDL_SetWindowPosition which sets the X position of the window in the desktop environment
y [get]
int | Wraps SDL_GetWindowPosition which gets the top-left Y coordinate position of the window in
the desktop environment
y [set]
int | Wraps SDL_SetWindowPosition which sets the Y position of the window in the desktop environment