Class Renderer
D class that wraps SDL_Renderer
managing a backend rendering instance
class Renderer
provides access to 2D draw commands, which accesses the internal backend renderer. The output/target
of the renderer can be displayed to a dsdl
if desired, or be done in software to the RAM as a
Name | Description |
(sdlRenderer, isOwner, userRef)
Constructs a dsdl from a vanilla SDL_Renderer* from bindbc-sdl
(window, renderDriver, software, accelerated, presentVSync, targetTexture)
Creates a hardware dsdl that renders to a dsdl , which wraps SDL_CreateRenderer
Creates a software dsdl that renders to a target surface, which wraps SDL_CreateSoftwareRenderer
Name | Type | Description |
sdl | Internal SDL_Renderer pointer
Name | Type | Description |
blendMode [get]
BlendMode | Wraps SDL_GetRenderDrawBlendMode which gets the color blending mode of the renderer
blendMode [set]
BlendMode | Wraps SDL_SetRenderDrawBlendMode which sets the color blending mode of the renderer
clipRect [get]
Rect | Wraps SDL_RenderGetClipRect which gets the clipping dsdl of the renderer
clipRect [set]
Rect | Wraps SDL_RenderSetClipRect which sets the clipping dsdl of the renderer
clipRect [set]
typeof(null) | Acts as SDL_RenderSetClipRect(renderer, NULL) which removes the clipping dsdl of the
clipRect [set]
std | Wraps SDL_RenderSetClipRect which sets or removes the clipping dsdl of the renderer
drawColor [get]
Color | Wraps SDL_GetRenderDrawColor which gets the draw color for the following draw calls
drawColor [set]
Color | Wraps SDL_SetRenderDrawColor which sets the draw color for the following draw calls
hasClipRect [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_RenderIsClipEnabled (from SDL 2.0.4) which checks whether a clipping rectangle is set in the
height [get]
uint | Wraps SDL_GetRendererOutputSize which gets the renderer output's height
info [get]
RendererInfo | Wraps SDL_GetRendererInfo which gets the renderer information
integerScaling [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_RenderGetIntegerScale (from SDL 2.0.5) which gets whether integer scales are forced
integerScaling [set]
bool | Wraps SDL_RenderSetIntegerScale (from SDL 2.0.5) which sets whether integer scales should be forced
logicalHeight [get]
uint | Wraps SDL_RenderGetLogicalSize which gets the renderer output's logical height
logicalHeight [set]
uint | Wraps SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize which sets the renderer output's logical height
logicalSize [get]
uint[2] | Wraps SDL_RenderGetLogicalSize which gets the renderer logical size
logicalSize [set]
uint[2] | Wraps SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize which sets the renderer output's logical size
logicalWidth [get]
uint | Wraps SDL_RenderGetLogicalSize which gets the renderer output's logical width
logicalWidth [set]
uint | Wraps SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize which sets the renderer output's logical width
scale [get]
float[2] | Wraps SDL_RenderGetScale which gets the drawing scale of the renderer target
scale [set]
float[2] | Wraps SDL_RenderSetScale which sets the drawing scale of the renderer target
scaleX [get]
float | Wraps SDL_RenderGetScale which gets the X drawing scale of the renderer target
scaleX [set]
float | Wraps SDL_RenderSetScale which sets the X drawing scale of the renderer target
scaleY [get]
float | Wraps SDL_RenderGetScale which gets the Y drawing scale of the renderer target
scaleY [set]
float | Wraps SDL_RenderSetScale which sets the Y drawing scale of the renderer target
size [get]
uint[2] | Wraps SDL_GetRendererOutputSize which gets the renderer output's size
supportsTarget [get]
bool | Wraps SDL_RenderTargetSupported which checks if the renderer supports texture targets
target [get]
inout(Texture) | Wraps SDL_GetRenderTarget which gets the renderer's target
target [set]
Texture | Wraps SDL_SetRenderTarget which sets the renderer's target
viewport [get]
Rect | Wraps SDL_RenderGetViewport which gets the dsdl viewport of the renderer
viewport [set]
Rect | Wraps SDL_RenderSetViewport which sets the dsdl viewport of the dsdl
viewport [set]
typeof(null) | Acts as SDL_RenderSetViewport(renderer, NULL) which removes the dsdl viewport of the
viewport [set]
std | Wraps SDL_RenderSetViewport which sets or removes the viewport dsdl of the dsdl
width [get]
uint | Wraps SDL_GetRendererOutputSize which gets the renderer output's width
window [get]
inout(Window) | Wraps SDL_RenderGetWindow (from SDL 2.0.22) which gets a dsdl proxy to the window associated
with the renderer
Name | Description |
Wraps SDL_RenderClear which clears the target with the renderer's draw color
(texture, destRect)
Acts as SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, NULL, destRect) which copies the entire texture to destRect at
the renderer's target
(texture, destRect, srcRect)
Wraps SDL_RenderCopy which copies a part of the texture at srcRect to destRect at the renderer's target
(texture, destRect)
Acts as SDL_RenderCopyF(renderer, texture, NULL, destRect) (from SDL 2.0.10) which copies the entire
texture to destRect at the renderer's target
(texture, destRect, srcRect)
Wraps SDL_RenderCopyF (from SDL 2.0.10) which copies a part of the texture at srcRect to destRect at
the renderer's target
(texture, destRect, angle, flippedHorizontally, flippedVertically)
Acts as SDL_RenderCopyEx(renderer, texture, NULL, destRect, angle, NULL, flip) which copies the
entire texture to destRect at the renderer's target with certain angle and flipping
(texture, destRect, angle, srcRect, flippedHorizontally, flippedVertically)
Acts as SDL_RenderCopyEx(renderer, texture, srcRect, destRect, angle, NULL, flip) which copies the
entire texture to destRect at the renderer's target with certain angle and flipping
(texture, destRect, angle, center, flippedHorizontally, flippedVertically)
Acts as SDL_RenderCopyEx(renderer, texture, NULL, destRect, angle, center, flip) which copies the
entire texture to destRect at the renderer's target with certain angle and flipping
(texture, destRect, angle, srcRect, center, flippedHorizontally, flippedVertically)
Wraps SDL_RenderCopyEx which copies the entire texture to destRect at the renderer's target with certain
angle and flipping
(texture, destRect, angle, flippedHorizontally, flippedVertically)
Acts as SDL_RenderCopyExF(renderer, texture, NULL, destRect, angle, NULL, flip) (from SDL 2.0.10) which
copies the entire texture to destRect at the renderer's target with certain angle and flipping
(texture, destRect, angle, srcRect, flippedHorizontally, flippedVertically)
Acts as SDL_RenderCopyExF(renderer, texture, srcRect, destRect, angle, NULL, flip) (from SDL 2.0.10) which
copies the entire texture to destRect at the renderer's target with certain angle and flipping
(texture, destRect, angle, center, flippedHorizontally, flippedVertically)
Acts as SDL_RenderCopyExF(renderer, texture, NULL, destRect, angle, center, flip) (from SDL 2.0.10) which
copies the entire texture to destRect at the renderer's target with certain angle and flipping
(texture, destRect, angle, srcRect, center, flippedHorizontally, flippedVertically)
Wraps SDL_RenderCopyExF (from SDL 2.0.10) which copies the entire texture to destRect at the renderer's
target with certain angle and flipping
Wraps SDL_RenderDrawLine which draws a line between two points with the renderer's draw color
Wraps SDL_RenderDrawLineF (from SDL 2.0.10) which draws a line between two points with the renderer's draw
Wraps SDL_RenderDrawLines which draws multiple lines following given points with the renderer's draw color
Wraps SDL_RenderDrawLinesF (from SDL 2.0.10) which draws multiple lines following given points with the
renderer's draw color
Wraps SDL_RenderDrawPoint which draws a single point at a given position with the renderer's draw color
Wraps SDL_RenderDrawPointF (from SDL 2.0.10) which draws a single point at a given position with the
renderer's draw color
Wraps SDL_RenderDrawPoints which draws multiple points at given positions with the renderer's draw color
Wraps SDL_RenderDrawPointsF (from SDL 2.0.10) which draws multiple points at given positions with the
renderer's draw color
Wraps SDL_RenderDrawRect which draws a rectangle's edges with the renderer's draw color
Wraps SDL_RenderDrawRectF (from SDL 2.0.10) which draws a rectangle's edges with the renderer's draw color
Wraps SDL_RenderDrawRects which draws multiple rectangles' edges with the renderer's draw color
Wraps SDL_RenderDrawRectsF (from SDL 2.0.10) which draws multiple rectangles' edges with the renderer's
draw color
Wraps SDL_RenderFillRect which fills a rectangle with the renderer's draw color
Wraps SDL_RenderFillRectF (from SDL 2.0.10) which fills a rectangle with the renderer's draw color
Wraps SDL_RenderFillRects which fills multiple rectangles with the renderer's draw color
Wraps SDL_RenderFillRectsF (from SDL 2.0.10) which fills multiple rectangles with the renderer's draw color
Wraps SDL_RenderFlush (from SDL 2.0.10) which executes and flushes all pending rendering operations
Wraps SDL_RenderGetMetalCommandEncoder (from SDL 2.0.8) which gets the Metal command encoder for the
current frame
Wraps SDL_RenderGetMetalLayer (from SDL 2.0.8) which gets the CAMetalLayer pointer associated with the
given Metal renderer
Wraps SDL_RenderLogicalToWindow (from SDL 2.0.18) which maps logical coordinates to window coordinates
Equality operator overload |
Wraps SDL_RenderPresent which presents any appending changes to the renderer's target
Wraps SDL_RenderReadPixels which makes a dsdl from the renderer's entire target
(rect, format)
Wraps SDL_RenderReadPixels which makes a dsdl from a specified dsdl boundary at the
renderer's target
(vertices, texture, indices)
Wraps SDL_RenderGeometry (from SDL 2.0.18) which renders triangles to the renderer's target
Wraps SDL_RenderSetVSync which sets whether vertical synchronization should be enabled
Gets the hash of the dsdl
Formats the dsdl into its construction representation: "dsdl.Renderer(<sdlRenderer>)"
Wraps SDL_RenderWindowToLogical (from SDL 2.0.18) which maps window coordinates to logical coordinates
auto window = new dsdl .Window("My Window", [dsdl .WindowPos .centered, dsdl .WindowPos .centered], [800, 600]);
auto renderer = new dsdl .Renderer(window, accelerated : true, acceleratedVSync : true);